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Towards Self Sufficiency

Permacultura in Usa

Self sufficiency is not a throwback to an idealized past when people were busy getting food by primitive means. Self sufficiency is the progress toward a new and better life, and signifies acceptance of full responsibility for what makes the bread itself with joy born of the full development of each task, from planting wheat to eat itself .
 The goal of self-sufficiency is to get a higher level of life, fresh, good and organically produced food, an  pleasant life in a pleasant environment, physical health and peace of mind that comes from hard work, and the satisfaction that comes from correct performance.
This planet is not exclusively for our benefit, to destroy all forms of life that have sustainable for us and direct use is immoral and ultimately is likely to contribute to our own destruction.

If we have a farm and want to return self, the first rule to be self sufficient is to understand the favorable cycle:
This means observing all the processes of nature, the soil feeds the plants, the plants feed the animals, the animals estercolean land, manure feeds the soil and the soil feeds the plants. The farmer wanted atentico maintain this cycle, but this has to come to integrate into it, as carnivore eat plants and is exposed to break the chain if not observed at all times the law of return. This ordered to be returned to the ground so all plant residues, animal and human, through the compost heap. Anything that can not be returned to usefully ground or failing to make otherwise, should be burned, which potash to the soil would occur. In the estate self nothing should be wasted.

To cultivate our better plot more and more intensive permaculture way possible to establish some form of what in the last century in Europe was called "superior agriculture." This consisted of a balance between animals and plants carefully planned in order that men and women are mutually nutriesen: plants served as food for the animals, they fertilized the soil, etc. Thus different varieties of animals and plants in the same plot alternated, so each species needed to take themselves and make their contribution to land.
The real advantage permaculture endeavor s plot, not exploit it. will want to improve and preserve fertility. Observing nature learn to cultivate a product or service only a single species of animal in the same plot of land is outside the natural order.

Natural Beuty with Aloe

Permacultura in Usa

The Aloe vera plant is a lily like garlic with great healing and nourishing properties. Contains 19 of the 23 amino acids that require body minerals as calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium
or the sodium and vitamins B (including B12) and C. Digestive action of its detoxifying enzymes and function of potassium that stimulates the liver favor removal of toxic materials. With the juice of aloe vera will strengthen, regenerate and vitalizaraá hair and nails. 
The tone of your skin will also improve and even combat impurities such as acne or blemishes due to the purifying and regenerating aloe vera. One liter of aloe vera can last you a month in good condition and the necessary daily amount is a small glass and we recommend you to take it on an empty stomach.

Tips for Natural Skin Care with juices

Permaculture in Usa

Natural skin care 
Natural Beauty has more to do with a healthy look to do with an aspect with healthy measures and certain fashions. Proper nutrition is the basis for solving aesthetic problems such as lack of skin elasticity , lack of color, some hair or brittle nails or premature aging before.
The balance and the health of your body is reflected in a natural beauty .But good nutrition is important to know the major food agents you allow you to improve or maintain the health of your natural skin care .

Best Juices for skin care
Purifying Cura :
Take the juice of half a celery juice two carrots and a tablespoon of yeast beer . You will be helpful if you have acne problems or any kind of eczema

Young Skin:
Put in blender four scraped carrots, an apple,100 g of beans , 100 grams of brussels sprouts and four lettuce leaves.

Smoking : Scrape carrots and cut into five pieces. Lava medium red beets and four sprigs of watercress . Add four sprigs of parsley and let dry everything before I liquefy.

Good digestion : Lava small fennel bulb and three blocks, cut it all apart and licualo. Good digestion is essential for take nutrients and detoxify.

Earthship Walipini

Walipini also known as underground greenhouse gases or hole in the ground an upward effect of thermal performance is provided so that the lower parts are not from freezing in winter .
This effect can be called as thermal friction. This analogy is particularly applicable because
that the upper portion of the soil around the greenhouse will be affected by the first
cold winter , but after months of cold or heat friction , the lower part display a slow thermal reduction .
When the ground (earth , stone, water - dense matter ) comes into contact with sunlight
absorbs and stores heat. By absorbing heat , the walls of the semi-subterranean heat load environments such as batteries of electric charge. The heat storage in the soil mass is known as the " Wheel Effect" , to load the wheel during the day ( storing heat / energy) and rotating down or discharged in the evening. When the heat / energy flows from the walls of the environment , to outside the greenhouse through the plastic goes to the cold night air . The amount of heat stored in the earth walls , is a critical factor in maintaining crops so they do not burn or freeze during the coldest winter days.

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