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  • Promotes germination. 
  • Unlock soil elements and makes them comparable, but not disappear once used proliferates, improved earliness, health, organoleptic characteristics of the fruit and in general, plants grow healthy and free of major pathogens. 
  • Improves texture, that is, if a floor is too far or too compacted clay, it disintegrates. 
  • Improved water retention, so we save on irrigation, the texture in which our product is presented, 
  • Reduces evapotranspiration, unlike the product presented in bags of lumpy and difficult way to manage in the field.


The Mixed Vegetable cultivation offers many advantages, one of the most important is that, although this type of culture may be more exposed to a greater number of pests, will also have more predators. No kind of pest has the potential to develop into uncontrollable proportions.
One of the lessons learned was our farmers crops are better if mixed, whether vegetables or flowers. Different types of plants likely provide a better harvest; the concentration of a single crop can lead to disaster.

A classic example of this was the absolute confidence in the potato as a food crop in the mid-nineteenth century. The plague ravaged the potato field for several years, causing a great famine to the accused which died or emigrated nearly two million people to avoid its effects. 
The same can happen with planting flowers.

Monocultures are more prone to diseases and pests that the mixed plantations, and it can be shown that these yields are not as substantial as those of crops grown together. The modern techniques of agriculture and horticulture based on monoculture, especially greenhouse cultivation, rely almost exclusively on chemicals to maintain healthy plants. 
Collate crops reduces the chances of destroying entire crop disease and facilitates swarms of beneficial insects that attack pests. (Biological Control of Pests)

Monoculture, or the concentration of a single crop, allowing pests and diseases spread rapidly one settled again, with the result of relying on pesticides, fungicides and other chemicals to control the problem on cultivated land, if can effectively eradicate it, because in some cases, especially viral infections, do not yet have a suitable chemical control.

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