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Permaculture Schooles in Usa
The Ecological Garden Soils 
(El Huerto Ecológico Suelos)

When you start growing in our organic garden, we must have
into consideration the type of soil you have, as it will be possible to grow vegetables
we want.
Recognizing the soil to the naked eye is precise possess certain knowledge that only experience
provided, but knowing some specific characteristics that define the ground, as can be
the predominant rocks of the area or the typical soil type wild plants and supplements
a PH measuring device we can see the degree of alkalinity or acidity, problem is solved.
Reference is also essential to the texture type and degree of soil compaction,
and we can check with the use of the hoe. If we find fine textures, and loamy soils 
or otherwise, thicker or thinner depending on the size of the grain of sand or gravel presence
and large stones. The larger the size of the stones, the less soil quality  for planting.

In summary, the floor recognition passes, first, by differentiating the type of rocks
characterized the region. If the landscape dominated by granite, slate or volcanic rock, the degree
acidity will be higher.
If rocks are limestone or gypsum, found the opposite case of basic pH, as it contributes significantly
to increase the alkalinity of the substrate.
Let's support always the predominant natural vegetation, as there are of each soil type plants.
An example is Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary), is typical of basic or alkaline substrates.

+ More the Ecological Garden Soils

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